Installation through WordPress dashboard

Open the WordPress dashboard (in browser add /wp-admin to the domain name of your site in browser address line).
  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Click “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  3. Click Choose File button and find archive on your computer then click “Install Now” button. (Note: Make sure you are select the plugin file not the bundle
  4. Once archive with Groovy menu is installed you can activate it in “Plugins > Installed Plugins”.

How to Register Groovy menu plugin

Please read this article

Installation through FTP

  1. Connect to your hosting through the program with FTP support (e.g. FileZilla).
  2. Unpack archive to your computer.
  3. Upload unpacked “groovy-menu” folder to wordpress/wp-content/plugins to a special folder located in your hosting.
  4. Once the upload is completed, you can activate the Groovy menu as in step 4 of the previous method.