- A list of all included Menu blocks in the current page to have straight access to them
- Woocommerce dropdown text and background color settings
- The ability to install default icon pack at any time
- "Custom post types" search functionality. Useful when you have separate post types for example blog posts and woocommerce products. With this setting, you can filter query only exact post type. If Woocommerce search is selected search results will be listed in the theme's Woocommerce search layout
- For developers. Added 2 filters:
- add_filter( 'groovy_menu_single_post_show_meta_box', '__return_false' ); which hides Groovy menu meta settings
- add_filter( 'groovy_menu_show_admin_bar_link', '__return_false' ); which hides Groovy menu dropdown from the WordPress topbar
- Dashboard and Menu blocks items in the WordPress admin bar were sometimes changed their places
- Meta setting overrides were not working in archive pages such as products and posts archive
- Minimalistic, and Sidebar menu layout issue in RTL languages
- Missing mbstring PHP module Fatal error
- White gap showing for a second under the dark header when scrolling to the top of the page
- Layout issue in Icon and sidebar menu types in between 783px - 1023px viewport view