To use Crane theme you should ensure your website is operating on WordPress 5.0 or greater version.

Minimum server requirements

For correct work of Crane theme, hosting must meet the following requirements:

We recommend Apache or Nginx as the web server since they are the most reliable and functional. Though, in most cases, any server supporting PHP and MySQL will work well.

Minimum PHP limit settings

Many problems you may face, such as failure of data update, failure of data import, “white screen”, “empty content page”, etc. arise due to low limits in PHP configuration. We recommend to set the following minimum limits for php.ini:

  • max_execution_time 180
  • max_input_time 180
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M
  • max_input_vars 1000

Additionally, if your site is on VPS or dedicated server

Please make sure that following PHP modules are installed and active:

  • curl
  • json
  • mbstring
  • mcrypt
  • xml
  • zip